Did Einstein Win His Nobel Prize For Relativity Theory?

    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was probably the most famous scientist who ever lived on this planet, and as famous as he, was his Relativity Theory (Well, at least in the scientific community): grossly this theory says that gravity is nothing more than the curvature of the space-time (a mathematical identity where the space and time are trated as the same in a four-dimensional manifold).

Spacetime Curvature

    Although it is his masterpiece, this did not yield a Nobel Prize: the relativity theory is in fact the most accurate theory by the experiments carried out of all times, it predicts gravitational waves, time dilatation, Black Holes.
    In 1905, Einstein published four important papers, between these papers there was the start of the special relativity theory in addition to what explained the photoelectric effect, that in turn, phenomenon in which elec trically charger particles are released from or within a material when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation.
    Even though the relativity theory was experimentally tested, Einstein won the Nobel Prize of 1921 for his contributions in theoretical physics and the photoelectric law in 1922.
    Looking for references? The book Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson is a great start to know about  Einstein's life.



  1. Where do you from ? It's cool about wht do you write in this post.

    1. Hello, im from Brazil and I like to write some facts about physics!


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